Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's an Ed Banger Life

During my extended break I would sit in my pajamas listening to records and concocting the dream life that I would have in Paris. For those of you who were never shown—I decided the trailer for the Justice tour documentary A Cross the Universe was actually about my life in Paris. 

Friday night I went with some others to see Mr. Flash and Vicarious Bliss (two Ed Rec DJs) play at La Fleche D’Or. They played everything I want DJs at home to play, Joy Division “Love Will Tear Us Apart” into Justice “Phantom II (Soulwax Re-Edit)” and SebatstiAn, The Strokes. I danced like the mad woman that I am.

At one point in time I noticed that people back behind the gate separating me from the DJ booth were speaking English and started talking with them. They asked where I was from to which I responded “Colorado” and, wouldn’t you know it, they were too. Turns out that in a tiny venue in Paris I happened to find the four CU students in the room. First, let me say that it is surprisingly nice to run into people who are from your home when you are away; you have the immediate bond of home.  Second, there is no denying it now, the people that are having the most fun, partying the hardest, chances are they are a CU student. A turn out one of them is working for Ed Rec (what?!) and told me to grab one other person and come behind the stage. He pointed to a room across the stage and told us to go over there. Walking over there was a familiar looking guy with short curly hair, I smiled at him and he smiled back, yeah I got smiled at by Gaspard Auge. Walking into the backstage room I was confronted by the sight of So-Me and SebastiAn. I always thought about what I would do in this situation, which mainly involved me jumping Gaspard or Sebastian’s bones. Let me tell you how hard that is to do when you are face to face with them, as exemplified by the fact that I could only smile at Gaspard. The fantasies go out the window when you are actually in the position (even a little bit) to realize them… Alas, maybe next time I will be drunk enough and not with my boy. Yes, I do expect there to be a next time. 

I hope to find photos online soon...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Occupation

When I tell people that I currently am enrolled at Sciences Po Paris they respond by saying something along the lines of, "Wow, you must be smart/an asshole." Seriously, that is the almost uniform response-- when people find out I am cool (which, of course, I am) I tend to hear, "wow, I can't believe you go to Sciences Po." Does this bother me? No, I fucking love it. Being infamous is fantastic. Turns out that the hatred of Sciences Po doesn't only stop at, "everyone who goes to this school is an asshole," but, "we should totally shut this piece of shit down." That's right, my school got "occupied" by the invading forces of about 200 students from other Paris Universities who apparently think we are a symbol of the economic segregation (or something like that) in society. 
So far the greve peoples has not affected classes, and the moment it does I might have to turn all Richard Nixon on these kids asses. It just reminds me of the days of the pointless protests at Boulder High-- if you are protesting or striking something that can be fixed, that is a legitimate problem in your society, more power to you. If you are being petulant about how some schools are better than others than please back up and let me go to class. Yes, there is social and economic inequality in every society, and I am not sure how the French are doing but in most places the government needs to do more. But is it really necessary to protest a school being a symbol? Or are you just jealous that we still have classes and are going to graduate on time. 

For those interested people who can read in french the link to an article is here.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Settling in or Living Without and Oven is Easy

Mark it down folks, I have an apartment that I have lived in for a week! It is on Rue Saint Jacques right above a jazz bar called Café Universal. Maggie noted when were signing the lease that there is a Colorado license plate in the window of the café, I take this to be a good omen. The pictures are on facebook in case you want to be a creepy voyeur and see where I sleep. (this is where I eat...)

I live maybe five minutes away from Jardin du Luxembourg and five away from Rue Moufftard. I had a flash back to the summer that I spent here with my mom and sister when I was walking on Moufftard today and shopping for some pommes (des fruits are now only known by their French names, I forgot all fruits names in English) and avocats. I can’t wait for the cerises to be in season, eating cerises and walking down Rue le Bon remains one of my favorite memories.

Though I cannot necessarily say that my French is getting better, my English seems to be slowly disappearing. It happens very frequently that I can’t find the work I am looking for or can only think of what I want in French. For someone who takes great pride in her vocabulary, this is a very disturbing phenomenon. I am getting more of a sense of humor in French, I still do not have the ability to crack jokes, but I can understand at least some of them…. I have taken to watching MTV dubbed in French (yes, I do have a tv with basic cable) the voices are very clear and my Super Sweet Sixteen is entertainingly disgusting in every language!